The Growth Track program is a six-week journey designed to help you learn about the church's vision and core values, align with its culture, and connect you more deeply with the church's ministries.

Growth track meets an hour before service and is also a requirement for leadership and some ministries in the church.


Over six weeks, we explore topics that we believe are at the heart of the church: Grace, Identity & Inheritance, Inner Healing, the Holy Spirit, and our church's vision and values. In the final week, we delve deeper into spiritual gifts, and you’ll have the opportunity to take a spiritual gifts test.

Many people complete Growth Track feeling deeply encouraged and closer to God.

Christian woman preaching at Awaken Life Church in North Phoenix


If you’ve ever played tug-of-war, you know the strength that comes from everyone working together. We understand that it can sometimes be unclear what a community truly believes and where it’s headed.

But after completing Growth Track, you’ll have a clearer understanding of the direction of Awaken Life Church and the vital role you play within it.

Christian teenage girl at Awaken Life Church in North Phoenix


In addition to being a great way for newer congregants to connect with church leaders, Growth Track concludes with a follow-up from Pastor Tina.

She will take the time to learn more about you, your journey, and potential areas where you can connect and serve within the church.

Ready to start your journey in growth track?